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Thursday, 1 June 2017

How to Lose Weight Without Doing One Minute of Exercise

How to Lose Weight Without Doing One Minute of Exercise Before I start, I want to let you know I’m not condoning zero exercise. In fact, exercise is freaking awesome and something you should try to do every day. However, I am here to tell you that if your primary concern is weight loss, exercise is merely the icing on the cake. 90% of your waistline battle is won or lost in the kitchen (or at the restaurant table, or at the drive-thru window, etc.) Warning: this will ask you to possibly make some substantial changes to your diet – are you up for it? Eat Real Food I’m a huge fan of the food philosophy presented in books like The Paleo Diet, Good Calories Bad Calories, and sites like Mark’s Daily Apple. Why? Because they make this diet thing so simple and logical even a caveman could understand it. My apologies if you’re a caveman. If you’re new to the “Paleo Diet” concept, here it is in a nutshell. Rather than list what you can’t eat, here’s what you CAN eat: REAL foods – veggies, lean meats, fish, eggs, fruit, and nuts. Why does this work? Because you’re only eating foods that you’re genetically engineered to thrive on: high quality, high energy REAL foods. Not from a box, not from a bag, not from a window. Food from the earth. Yay nature. Cut Way Back on the Rest Bread, cereal, pasta, fried food, rice, bagels, doughnuts, waffles, chips, tortillas, candy etc. – these things are all loaded with carbs (and if they’re processed – refined carbs and sugar), and I’ll bet a million Monopoly dollars they’re the cause of 99% of the population’s weight problem. I’m not telling you to give all of this stuff up completely – I’m just telling you that this is probably the reason the weight isn’t coming off of your frame. Here’s why: Most grains, refined carbs and sugar were nonexistent way back in the day, which means our bodies never quite adapted to properly process them. If you want to understand more why our bodies have such an issue with grains and carbs, this is the best article I’ve read. Here’s a great video to explain why refined carbs make you fat: Video – Why You Got Fat Today’s general recommended diet ratio of 50-60% carbs, 30% protein, 10-20% fat is so far off it’s ridiculous. I’m sorry, but it is. This ratio has been pushed on the public for decades, and new “low fat” items continue to pop up every day…and yet the country continues to get wider and bigger and fatter. Something’s not right. How I Know it Works Although I’ve recently added some grains back into my diet to bulk up (oats, flaxseed bread, and brown rice), I can attest to the fact that the Paleo Diet absolutely works. In the four months that I switched to a Paleo diet (my ratio was probably 40% fat, 40% protein, and 20% carbs), my body fat percentage dropped from 12% down to 5%. Besides myself, many NF readers have lost quite a bit of weight from making this change as well. If you’re interested in giving the Paleo Diet a shot, check out this GREAT resource. Pick a few things on the list, put together your meals, and you will lose weight. If you’re interested in learning more about ‘going paleo,’ Mark’s Primal Blueprint 101 is a great place to get your feet wet. Cut Out Liquid Calories Soda, beer, juice, margaritas Gatorade, vitamin water, cappuccinos, fruit coolatas – avoid them whenever possible (except for beer on St. Patty’s Day…come on.) These beverages are all loaded with sugar which immediately turn to fat in your system. And switching from a 12 pack of Coke to a 12 pack of Diet Coke might not solve your problems either. Read my article why Diet Coke might make you fat. My advice: chug water like it’s your job. It will curb your appetite, keep your insides running properly, and give you an excuse to get up and go for a walk to the bathroom every thirty minutes. No Paleo? Eat Less Than Before! Don’t want to change what you eat? Welp, you’re just going to count calories (using a site like DailyBurn). It’s a pain in the ass, but it works. Here are the three equations you need to know: Calories consumed Calories burned = weight gain. Calories consumed Calories burned = weight loss. 3500 less calories per week = 1 pound of fat weight loss. As explained in the video above, the types of you food you eat is more important than these equations let on, but just creating a caloric deficit will still produce weight loss although far less

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